Friday, February 25, 2011

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing: This is evolving as a service facilitating IT resources on demand by virtue of applications and business services hosted on Virtual IT
Infrastructures. Many OEMs have already launched cloud computing services to corporations across the world - like IBM Blue Cloud, Google Apps Cloud,
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Microsoft Cloud, etc. These service providers claim that the customers can get any IT resource on demand - storage
capacity, memory, network bandwidth, application license, etc. The market is developed to such an extent that millions of customers are already availing
these services. The students have mammoth opportunities to study the benefits of cloud computing to businesses across the world. A large number of case
studies is possible because the concept has gained popularity across the globe. It needs to be investigated if the current virtualisation service providers on IT
infrastructure clouds are fully ready to undertake the responsibility of running mission critical businesses (like banks, financial services, trading and
investments, etc.) the way they have been running reliably in traditional data centres. It will be quite interesting for the students to conduct interviews with
professionals that have already hosted their services on virtual servers. The attributes to be investigated are: Reliability, Uptime, Speed and Performance,
Elasticity (resources on demand), Billing, Information Systems Strategy, IT Strategy, Information Security, IT Governance, IT Services (to end users), etc.


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